WooCommerce Custom Product Designer allows your users to design the products as per their needs and purchase them in your Shop. With Product Designer for WooCommerce, your users can design and customize a product to fit their needs, which will drive customer satisfaction and additional revenue growth on your site.
1. Improves Customer Experience Offering the flexibility of designing the products to customers can make them feel that they are buying a personalized product. This improves the overall customer experience. 2. Drives Additional Revenue to the Site When a customer buys a customized product, they can be charged for using elements such as images, texts, clip art, and more. This can serve as additional revenue to the site. 3. Attracts New Customers Customers who have benefited from the Product Designer are likely to refer new users to your site.
Features Offered
1. Ready-to-Use Product Bases There are 16 ready-to-use product bases bundled with the plugin. 2. Edit Zone Can Be Customized You can customize the edit zone for each product base. 3. Designs Can Be Saved Logged-in users can save their designs to their account and can retrieve and purchase the products at a later date. 4. Multiple Product Attributes You can add product attributes such as product color, size, gift wrap message, etc. using the following fields:
- Product Color
- Text
- Text Area
- Single Select
- Checkbox
- Radiobox
5. Individual Component Pricing You can individually add pricing for the following:
- Images
- Clip art
- Text
- Shapes
- Templates
- Product Attributes
6. Print-Ready Files All output files are of print-ready quality at 300DPI.