Smart Cleanup Tools WordPress Plugin is an easy to use, powerful plugin for database cleanup with total of 37 cleanup, reset and removal tools. With this plugin you can remove data that is no longer in use, or it is unneeded. Also, it can help you restore database overhead and speed up database operations. Plugin supports WordPress multisite, and it has few tools designed for the Network administration.
Cleanup will be more effective if done after several months of normal database use. For example cleanup on website, cleanup was done 6 months after previous cleanup. Plugin saved amazing 2/3 of the database space, and database from 192MB was scaled down to 63MB. That is 129MB of junk and unneeded data. Full test is available here.
Main plugin panel shows quick cleanup tool with overview of active tools, found records for removal and estimated size to be recovered. Quick cleanup uses all cleanup tools. If you want to review everything before cleanup, open Cleanup panel for list of all available tools.